Porch Culture

How many of us have a front and back porch on which to ruminate? This activity is a past time of days gone by. Living in a house which was builit in 1926 offers much. Currently, living in the 21st century abode requires a person to maintain multiple distractions composed of depending upon an electronic source. Composing a list about all of the electronic devices in one household, bores me more than possessing them. What excites me is a screened in porch; situated on both the back and front of my house, located right in the heart of a small sleepy metropolis.

The houses with attached porches, built in the era of the 1930's offer a luxury which are antiquities in the suburban and urban housing market. Money earned from my endeavors goes to accentuating the porches which are a connection to Nature, revered in the both Egyptian times and in the revival of Greek Classicism, lasting only a short time between "Craftsman" and "Art Deco" periods of American architecture; qualities in which my house is placed and for which is an undocumented theory that is proposed.


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